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13 UK undergraduates to present at Posters-at-the-Capitol

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 10, 2025)  — Thirteen University of Kentucky undergraduate researchers will present their work at the 23rd annual Posters-at-the-Capitol on March 6. The event will feature research topics including community health, agricultural sustainability, renewable energy and public health and safety.

Call for Abstracts: Posters-at-the-Capitol

Posters-at-the-Capitol (P@C) is a one-day, annual event held to educate Kentucky State Legislators of the importance of its undergraduate research and scholarly work. Student discoveries impact many issues that affect our economy both stateside and globally.   Posters-at-the-Capitol requires abstracts to be no more than 300 words. Call for Abstracts opens September 1, 2024 Event Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025

UK undergraduate researchers present at the state Capitol

Lexington, Ky. (March 21, 2024) — The 22nd annual Posters-at-the-Capitol held on March 7 featured 13 University of Kentucky undergraduate research projects with important implications for issues in Kentucky, including public safety, energy conservation, homeownership and lung cancer prevention. 


Samuel LeRose Major: Physics Minor: Mathematics  Research Mentor: Dr. Christopher Crawford   I enjoy research because.... "It allows me to be creative and apply my knowledge to real-world applications.."   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?


Tiffany Clark Major: Computer Science Minor: Mathematics  Research Mentor: Dr. Brent Seales   I enjoy research because.... "I enjoy research because it offers hands-on experience, an in-depth exploration of my passion, and continuous intellectual challenges, fostering both personal and professional growth."   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?


Chase Eastham Major: Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology Research Mentor: Dr. Peter Nagy   I enjoy research because.... "it helps me to better understand knowledge presented to me in lectures by allowing me to investigate phenomena in a hands-on way."   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?


Zachary Owen Major: Public Policy Minor: Community & Leadership Development  Research Mentor: Dr. Cory Curl   I enjoy research because.... "I can discover solutions to real-world problems!"   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?


Ellie Rice Major: Neuroscience and Psychology Minor: Sociology  Research Mentor: Dr. Meifan Chen   I enjoy research because.... "it gives me the opportunity to learn so many things I never would have had the chance to in a traditional classroom."   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?


Hena Kachroo Major: Biochemistry Research Mentor: Dr. Anne-Frances Miller   I enjoy research because.... "I enjoy research because it allows me to gain a deeper understanding of topics in science I am interested in and allows me to contribute to the growth of knowledge in a field I am passionate about."   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?


Maria Natalia Arenas Florez Major: Biology Minor: Creative Writing  Research Mentor: Dr. Jakubek   I enjoy research because.... "it enables me to practically apply the knowledge gained from my classes."   How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK? "I first became interested in undergraduate research at UK when I realized that one can engage in research at any point, not just as a junior or senior."