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2025-26 Undergraduate Research Ambassador Program

Become a Research Ambassador!   What are the benefits of being a Research Ambassador?• Build presentation and verbal communication skills• Gain valuable experience and recognition for promoting a highly valued undergraduate program• Be a leader in a community of researchers• Have an opportunity to share research experience with peers, staff, and faculty, and potential new students• Gain networking opportunities  

REGISTER: Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars

This year’s 19th annual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars is on Wednesday, April 30, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. in the Gatton Student Center Grand Ballroom. The Showcase is an opportunity for undergraduates to present their work through oral sessions, posters, artistic exhibits or performances. The event gives students from all disciplines a chance to engage in public outreach and polish their presentation skills. Peers, faculty and the local community are invited to come learn about the wide range of undergraduate research conducted at UK.

Research Mentor of the Year Award Nominations Awards announced at the Showcase!

The 18th annual Excellent Undergraduate Research Mentor Award recognizes UK faculty members who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to mentoring undergraduate researchers, providing exceptional undergraduate research experiences, as well as supporting and promoting undergraduate research initiatives on campus.   Each year, outstanding faculty mentors are recognized at the Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars for their outstanding leadership and support of students. 

Drop-In Advising

DROP-IN ADVISING Chat with Research Ambassadors in person!  Have questions about how to get started in research?Want to chat with another student about the process and hear their experiences?Talk with a Peer Research Ambassador during drop-in advising!WHERE:  211 Funkhouser Building - Office of Undergraduate Research's student loungeWHEN: Jan. 29, Feb. 25, March 26 from 11 AM - 1 PM

Workshop: Research Poster Design

Research Poster Design Workshop Create effective and engaging research posters! The Poster Design workshop supports the creation and presentation of a research poster. Workshop emphasizes poster design principles, appropriate sections for a research poster, presenting your poster, understanding your audience, and evaluating posters while applying the design principles discussed. Are you presenting your research at NCUR, Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars, or another upcoming conference/symposium? We're here to help.

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