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What is NCUR?

An annual student conference dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study. NCUR is hosted at a different University in the United States each year. UK hosted NCUR in 2014.

NCUR 2025: Duquesne University - Pittsburgh, PA  April 7-9, 2025


Who attends NCUR?

Young scholars from institutions of higher learning from all corners of the academic curriculum and their mentors.


Why attend NCUR?

This annual conference creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement, provides models of exemplary research and scholarship, and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education.


Who is the UK Campus Coordinator?

Jessica Jones-Bowman is the UK Campus Coordinator. When applying for NCUR, to be eligible for funding, you MUST list Jessica Jones-Bowman as the UK Campus Coordinator on the application. This will help to keep track of all applications and invoices.



  • Call for Abstracts Opens: September, 2024
  • Abstract Deadline: December, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: January, 2025
  • Early Registration: January, 2025
  • Regular Registration: Feb. 1 - Mar. 1, 2025
  • Mandatory Student meeting: Mid-March, 2025; Time and Location: TBA
  • Poster Printing Deadline: March, 2025
  • Event Dates: April 7-9, 2025 @ Duquesne University – Pittsburgh, PA


Key NCUR 2024 Dates


  • Sept. 15, 2024 - Abstract Submissions Open

  • Dec. 8, 2024 - Abstract Submissions Deadline 

  • Jan. 11 - 31, 2025 - Notification of Abstract Acceptance

  • Jan. 11 - 31, 2025 - Early Registration Deadline

  • Feb. 1 - Mar. 1, 2025 - Regular Registration Deadline

  • Mandatory Student meeting: Mid-March, 2025; Date and time TBA

  • Mar. 25, 2025 - Poster Printing Upload Deadline

  • April 6, 2025 - Travel to Pittsburgh, PA

  • Event Dates:  April 7-9, 2024 @ Duquesne Univ. - Pittsburgh, PA


Submission Details

Check back in the fall for more information about NCUR 2025.


  • Step 1 - Register with the Office of Undergraduate Research 

  • Step 2 - Create a new NCUR 2025 account on the NCUR Registration Portal. Note: A new NCUR account must be created each year; information does not carry over from year to year.

  • Step 3 - Students apply for NCUR by submitting an abstract that describes their work through the NCUR website. Up to two abstracts per primary author are permitted. There is no limit on the number of abstracts co-authored abstracts.


NCUR 2025 Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts are usually 200-300 words in length, no longer than 300 words. Completed papers are NOT submitted for review.

Guidelines for humanities, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Guidelines for visual arts

Guidelines for architecture

Guidelines for performing arts

Important formatting guidelines for all


  • Application Requirement: When applying for NCUR, to be eligible for funding to NCUR 2025 you MUST list Jessica Jones-Bowman as the UK Campus Coordinator on the application. This will help us keep track of all applications. 

  • At the time the abstract is submitted the student must supply the name of a faculty member who mentored the submitted work, indicate the name of the discipline that best represents their work, and state whether they wish to present on an oral presentation panel or at a poster session.


NCUR Website and Guidelines

  • NCUR 2025 Website Coming Soon

  • Eligibility

  • Abstract Guidelines Coming Soon

  • Presentation Format Guidelines Coming Soon

Present Your Research at NCUR.

NCUR 2018 group
Guys at 2018 NCUR
Diana S physics NCUR 2019 poster presentation
Quote_Mitchell Dennis_NCUR

Poster Templates

Are you presenting at Showcase and need to create a poster? Lots of editable poster templates are available in both traditional and Morrison formats, as well as vertical and landscape layouts. So many options for you to choose from and 100% editable to meet your needs!


Research Poster Templates

Free collection of easy to use and customize PowerPoint research poster templates. Both modern and traditional templates available.

View Research Poster Templates

NCUR 2020 Student Spotlights

Join the UK Office of Undergraduate Research in recognizing and celebrating UK's  < F I F T Y > outstanding undergraduate research students who were selected to present their faculty-mentored research at the now-cancelled national conference and also represent the University of Kentucky on a national level!  NCUR 2020 was cancelled due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.