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Riley Bryson

Junior, History major

Research Mentor: Carol Street


Research Project Title

"Pandemic of Hate: Hate Crimes Against Asian and Asian American Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic"


Brief Project Description

"This projects aims to explain why Asian and Asian American women were common targets for anti-Asian hate crimes during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic by examining the history of anti-Asian woman hate in the United States."


I enjoy research because... "I feel like a detective when I put pieces together!"


What excites you most about attending World CUR?

"Getting to meet people from various countries while being in a country I’ve never been to!"


What has been the most interesting aspect of your research experience so far?

"This was a challenging project because it’s such a personal topic, but it was super interesting to find the “whys” to things I already knew about."


How has undergraduate research impacted your college experience?

"I feel like I interacted with history on a deeper level than just listening to a lecture. It makes it come alive!"


List 2 fun facts about you:

"I make a mean banana bread and I love to read!"