Leena Haider World CUR 2023 Spotlight
Leena Haider
Junior, History major, Biology minor
Research Mentor: Carol Street
Research Project Title
"Banking While Female: Women’s Alternative Banking Systems Around the World"
Brief Project Description
"Investigation of women across the globe who create financial alternatives to traditional banking by establishing close-knit, women-led collective funds to promote female financial literacy and authority over their money."
I enjoy research because... "of the range in methodology. When research is holistically and correctly done, it is the full and unbiased understanding of the people of the past as they were and as they saw themselves. And being able to relay their stories, to me, is worthwhile."
What excites you most about attending World CUR?
"I'm excited for the chance to meet people across the world who are just as dedicated to their research interest and could introduce me to areas of study that I have never considered before."
What has been the most interesting aspect of your research experience so far?
"The most interesting aspect has been being able to connect Kentucky women researched from a single primary source of the 1920s to the expansive collection of modern women experiences across the globe."
How has undergraduate research impacted your college experience?
"Undergraduate research has cultivated my respect and love for the practice of research in general, both as a practice of analysis and as a practice of empathy."
List 2 fun facts about you:
"I love trying out new recipes and going on long hikes."