JOSEPH ISON NCUR 2022 Spotlight
Joseph Ison
Senior, Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology, Biology, and Spanish majors
Research Mentor: Dr. Heather Campbell-Speltz
I enjoy research because.... "I get to bring a new perspective to answer intriguing questions about the world."
How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?
"My freshman advisor suggested that I pursue undergraduate research before deciding on a field that I wanted to delve into for my career. It was great advice!"
How long have you been engaged in undergraduate research?
"4 years now."
What has been the most exciting aspect of your research so far?
"The multitude of projects that I have worked on have given me the opportunity to present at ORNL, the ASA meeting in Salt Lake City, and now at the Capitol."
What advice would you give to other UK students thinking about doing research?
"Find a researcher that does something that you’re interested in, read some of their papers that they have published, and if you’re still interested then contact them about joining in on whatever they are doing."