Darcy Adreon NCUR 2023 Spotlight
Darcy Adreon
Senior, Biochemistry and Spanish majors
Research Mentor: Dr. David Rodgers
I enjoy research because.... "I get to make meaningful contributions to science while I am studying it."
How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?
"I became interested in Biochemistry research after taking Chemistry lab courses."
How long have you been engaged in undergraduate research?
"5 semesters, since spring 2021"
What has been the most exciting aspect of your research so far?
"I am most excited by my research when it challenges me to adapt. Some of the best progress on our project has been made in the face of unforeseen obstacles."
What advice would you give to other UK students thinking about doing research?
"Do not be intimidated by what you don't know. Research is about learning, so don't worry about your level of knowledge about the project. Just come eager to work hard and to learn something new!"