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Cole Braxton Flaherty

Senior, Neuroscience major and a 2024 CURE Fellow

Research Mentor: Ann Stowe

Supported by the Substance Use Disorder (SUPRA) Research Priority Area


How will this summer research fellowship support your research efforts?

“This summer fellowship has been the sole facilitating factor in allowing me to stay in Lexington participating in the Gipson Lab's ever-important research as an out-of-state student.”


Why is research important?

“Before a problem can be solved, it must be understood. A solution to a problem that didn't come from understanding, generates understanding; in the pharmaceutical sciences, usually at the cost of human lives. I am extremely grateful to be working in pre-clinical models for exactly this reason.”


What advice would you give to other UK students thinking about doing research?

“Every single class you take provides you with a new skill that is highly valued in the bounds of a research lab. It's just a question of, which lab values this skill? If you've ever really, really, really loved a class at college, odds are there's a lab you'd love working in too.”