Caden Maynard 2023 CURE Fellow
Caden Maynard
Senior, Psychology major and a 2023 Substance Use Disorder RPA CURE Fellow
Research Mentor: Dr. Peggy Keller
Supported by the Substance Use Disorder (SUPRA) Research Priority Area
How will this summer research fellowship support your research efforts?
“This fellowship will provide me with hands-on experience in testing hypotheses, statistical analyses, interpretation of results, and the presentation of findings, with the goal of producing a manuscript to be submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal. My career goal is to become a clinician research scientist; therefore, with the guidance of my mentor, this transition from classroom discussions about research to actually conducting research will lay a critical foundation for successful matriculation, as well as the transition to a research-focused doctoral program.”
Why is research important?
“Research is absolutely necessary in order to make continuous advancements in civilization, in addition to providing us with answers about life and the world we live in. We would not be where we are today without research, from life-saving medications that needed excessive testing before becoming regularly administered, to the successful recovery of psychological disorders, optimizing education practices, and this list goes on. Research aims to answer any and all questions that arise, as well as providing insight and solutions to the issues in the world around us.”
What advice would you give to other UK students thinking about doing research?
“You should absolutely get involved in research! Participating in research projects provides amazing hands-on experience and knowledge that goes beyond the textbook. I am so thankful to have worked alongside so many intelligent faculty members who are passionate about their research, as I have been provided with amazing opportunities while exploring my chosen career path. Reach out to faculty members whose research interests you and ask how you can get involved- it’s as simple as that! I was not selected for the first research project I applied to, so do not be discouraged if a similar challenge arises. Keep trying, do not be afraid to ask, and everything will fall into place!”