Abigail Mortell World CUR 2023 Spotlight
Abigail Mortell
Senior, History major, Music Performance and International Studies minor
Research Mentor: Carol Street
Research Project Title
"Canonization of Irish Authors: Nationalism and the Popularization of 1920s Irish Literature"
Brief Project Description
"Using the manuscripts of Liam O’Flaherty’s Irish language play, “Dorchadas,” held at the UK Special Collections Research Center, I examined how and why other Irish works published at the same time enjoyed substantial success, while ‘Dorchadas’ is widely unmentioned by Irish literary scholars. I considered how 20th century Irish politics affected the dissemination of Irish language literature."
I enjoy research because... "It has vastly improved my writing and ability to effectively communicate complex ideas, and sharing research allowed me to meet and learn from incredible people."
What excites you most about attending World CUR?
"Because my research centers an Irish author and Ireland after gaining independence from Great Britain, I am excited to present my work to an audience that includes Irish and English people and see what insights they provide compared to that which I have heard from predominantly American audiences."
What has been the most interesting aspect of your research experience so far?
"I was surprised to find manuscripts written in Irish in a Kentucky archive, and I feel lucky to have worked with them and conducted research tied to my cultural background in an unexpected way."
How has undergraduate research impacted your college experience?
"Research taught me about the work of historians and how one’s personal development can be augmented by academic inquiry and analysis."
List 2 fun facts about you:
"I enjoy watching professional cycling and cyclocross."