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Virtual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars - Day #1

15th annual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars - Day #1 of Student Presentations Hosted virtually via Zoom

DEADLINE: Virtual Showcase Project Upload Deadline

Deadline for Virtual Showcase Poster/Presentation Upload by 11:55pm EST

Showcase Project Upload Virtual Drop-In Q&A Session

Have questions about uploading your Showcase project to the Virtual Symposium Project Gallery? Need some last-minute help? Drop-in and get some help from the OUR team!

Showcase Project Upload Virtual Drop-In Q&A Session

Have questions about uploading your Showcase project? Need some last-minute help? Drop-in and get some help from the OUR team!

Poster Design Workshop 2.0

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND….Create effective and engaging research posters! Let our Undergraduate Research Ambassadors help walk you through the poster making process - emphasizing poster design principles, appropriate sections for a research poster, understanding your audience, and evaluating a poster. Get useful peer-to-peer feedback on your posters, too!

Past Events