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Mentors make a difference.

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) officially launched the Research Faculty Mentor of the Month recognition program in August 2017 and have since recognized 82 faculty mentors.

Each month the OUR office will highlight one of UK's outstanding and very much appreciated research faculty mentors who offer leadership and support to undergraduate student researchers.


Joao Costa

Dr. Joao Costa is an Assistant Professor in Dairy Sciences at the Department of Animal Sciences. Over the past year, Dr. Costa has mentored 5 graduate, 12 undergraduates and 3 undergraduates from France as well as a section of the StemCats research mentorship program in Animal behavior.

DaMaris Hill

Dr. DaMaris B. Hill is an Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing in the College of Arts and Sciences. Over the past year, Dr. Hill has mentored many over 15 students including graduate students across many colleges at the University of Kentucky. When looking for mentees, Dr. Hill looks for students with commitment, creativity, and vision. Dr. Hill believes that students should engage in undergraduate research "in order explore and engage with their interests in a way that can impact their "glocal" community."  

Rebekah Radtke

Rebekah Radtke is an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky. She has mentored 4 students and has said that mentoring students brings vibrancy to her work and allows her to think about her research from a different perspective. She says mentees have influenced how she approaches her research by providing valuable insights and energy to projects that impact our communities.

Amanda Adams

Dr. Amanda Adams is an Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky. She has over 20 referred publications and has been working with students in research at the university since 2011. Working at the Maxwell H.

John Peloza

Dr. John Peloza is an Associate Professor in the Gatton School of Business and Economics. Dr. Peloza's research focuses on corporate social responsibility and prosocial consumer behavior, and is characterized by interdisciplinary theories and methods. In the last year, he has mentored 2 undergraduate students, as well as numerous doctoral students. When asked about how his mentees have influenced his life, he said “First, undergraduates can bring useful insights and ideas to a project.

Martina Vasil

This week our Faculty Mentor of the Week is Dr. Martina Vasil! Dr. Vasil is an Assistant Professor of Music Education and Director of the Orff Schulwerk and Dalcroze Summer Institute. She’s mentored eight undergraduate music students over the past year. When she looks for undergraduate mentees, she looks for curiosity, a natural propensity for writing and thinking, and a drive to learn more on a topic that interests them!

Robin Cooper

Extremely passionate about research and biology, Dr. Robin Cooper, an Associate Professor in Biology, has mentored over 15 students in the past year. Focused on Neurobiology and Neurophysiology, he has given over 160 undergraduates the opportunity to be part of his lab, to gain hands-on experience, laboratory skills, and conduct research; many of whom have influenced him back. Dr. Cooper says, “Many of the undergraduates have an impact not only on research projects but on various aspect of life.