Faculty Mentor of the Week Margaret Mohr-Schroeder College of Education, STEM Education
Dr. Margaret Mohr-Schroeder is an Associate Professor of mathematics education in the Department of STEM Education, where she is also the Associate Deam of Clinical Preparation and Partnerships within the College of Education. Dr. Mohr-Schroeder enjoys researching pre-service teacher Mathematics Education, Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching, and Assessment. In the last year, Dr. Mohr-Schroeder has mentored 2 undergraduate research students. When asked about her role as a mentor, she replied, "I love working with undergraduate students! I love the fresh and innocent perspective they bring to a project. Watching them analyze data and discuss the results and their impact gives me a renewed sense of purpose. Further, the lens through which they analyze the data provides a different generational take, which in our work in education, is extremely important! They often times have insights that we would not traditionally think of."
When considering a student for undergraduate research, Dr. Mohr-Schroeder looks for students with enthusiasm for learning new things, persistence, and critical thinking skills. She explains, "Communication skills are of great value, as well, but I found those to be easier to teach than the former characteristics."
Dr. Margaret Mohr-Schroeder supports and values undergraduate research at UK and explained,"I think it's important to create more acces to the high quality undergraduate research experiences offered at UK, because I think it opens more opportunities for our students. Through undergraduate research opportunities, they get to explore and investigate a whole other world that will hopefully have a long term impact. The skills gained through an undergraduate research experience may not have direct connections to their future careers, but the 21st century knowledge and skills gained through these experiences will enable them to be better prepared UK graduates."
Thank you for your dedication and support of undergraduate research at UK. The Office of Undergraduate Reseach is pleased to recognize Dr. Margaret Mohr-Schroeder as this week's Faculty Mentor of the Week!
Dr. Margaret Mohr-Schroeder - College of Education, STEM Education