Kendall Corbin Excellent Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year 2021-22
Q. What does this Award mean to you?
A. "This award signifies to me that I made a difference in someone else's life for the better and that my student knew that I genuinely cared about them, their future and their success."
Q. How has your experience as an undergraduate research mentor impacted you?
A. "Getting the opportunity to help train, support and mentor students is the best part of my job. Seeing them grow more confident in their own knowledge and skills is such a rewarding feeling. It is their successes that make the long days (and failed experiments) worth it!"
Q. What is the most significant or memorable moment you have experienced as a mentor?
A. "Learning that one of my undergraduate students had been awarded a very prestigious fellowship at the NIH. I could not have been more happy or proud of her for this well deserved achievement."
Q. Did you have an undergraduate research experience that inspired your own education and/or career?
A. "I was an undergraduate at UK once upon a time! I can honestly say that I got my first taste of research here and have never looked back!"
Q. Why is undergraduate research important to the University of Kentucky?
A. "Our students are the heart of our research programs."
Q. What advice would you give to a student considering undergraduate research?
A. "Stop considering and just go for it! We have so much still yet to learn and discover, why not be part of something amazing?!"