Erica Smith 2024 Sustainability Fellow
Erica Smith
Senior, Architecture major and a 2024 Sustainability Fellow
Research Mentor: Daniel Vivian
Supported by UK Sustainability Student Sust. Council
How will this summer research fellowship support your research efforts?
“This fellowship will allow me the time and resources needed to dive deeper into the topics and issues that I have learned about and discussed theoretically in my courses with a more specific and applied approach.”
Why is research important?
“Sustainability research is incredibly important not only for its clear connection to pressing climate issues, but also due to its necessary role in the development of more equitable, ecological, and endurable communities. While projects at a large, worldwide scale are certainly crucial to the adaptation of our environments for a more sustainable and just future, the visibility of research done in a variety of implementable scales is equally important for the advancement of local communities and services. In order to build a better future people from all disciplines must contribute to sustainable efforts and research so that more holistic solutions can be developed that equitably serve everyone, including the Earth itself!"
What advice would you give to other UK students thinking about doing research?
“I would say to not wait for others to develop the solutions to the issues you may perceive, but to follow your gut instinct on what you're passionate about and place yourself in the position to take real action in your field!”