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March Research Faculty Mentor of the Month 


Dr. Christopher Fry is an associate professor in the College of Health Sciences Department of Athletic Training and Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Fry completed an undergraduate Biology degree at Baylor University in 2006. He would then go on to gain his PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Texas Medical Branch before finding his way to the University of Kentucky in 2019. 

In the past year, Dr. Fry has mentored six undergraduate students, as well as two graduate students. “Since 2019, we have had over 12 undergraduate students play a significant role in our lab, participating in federally-funded research projects and working alongside other lab members including graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty members,” Dr. Fry stated. 

Currently, his research lab features several different experimental models like transgenic rodent models, primary cell culture, as well as clinical subject research. “Dr. Fry upholds an outstanding and uplifting learning environment in which he encourages all of his undergraduate researchers,” noted one of his mentees. “He takes the time to connect you with a project that he knows you will find interesting and takes the time to explain the purpose and reasoning behind study models.” Dr. Fry encourages his students and mentees to treat this opportunity as a safe space to fail forward. 

As an undergraduate, Dr. Fry had limited research experiences which drove his desire to offer undergraduates in his lab unique opportunities. “My experiences as an undergraduate were limited by the tasks I was asked to help with, so in our lab I try to offer as many exciting and fun opportunities as I can to students. I want them to appreciate how dynamic and team-oriented research can be,” said Dr. Fry. For students looking to join his lab, Dr. Fry appreciates undergraduate mentees exhibiting curiosity and determination. 

For a student who might be considering undergraduate research, Dr. Fry offers the following insight, “Don’t hesitate reaching out to potential mentors. Faculty are excited to hear from prospective students who find their work interesting.”  He continues, “I love being able to share what we do with such motivated and talented students, and there are a wealth of research opportunities here at UK.” 

Throughout his time mentoring students at UK, Dr. Fry has been nominated multiple times for the Excellent Undergraduate Research Mentor Award because of his outstanding commitment to mentoring undergraduate researchers, providing exceptional undergraduate research experiences, as well as supporting and promoting the undergraduate research initiatives on campus.

Thank you Dr. Fry for your unwavering support of undergraduate research at the University of Kentucky. We are pleased to recognize your dedication as the Research Faculty Mentor of the Month. 

Learn more about Dr. Fry: