Bridget Bolt Research Ambassador of the Year 2021-22
Q. What does this award mean to you?
A. "This award shows my dedication to being an ambassador and showing others how to be involved in research."
Q. How has your experience as a Research Ambassador impacted you?
A. "This experience has broadened my understanding of what research is and the vast amount of disciplines."
Q. What was the most significant or memorable moment you experienced as a Research Ambassador?
A. "The most memorable moments have been the opportunity of supporting researchers and the undergraduate research showcase really was impactful to see the research happening at the university."
Q. Name the top two or three lessons you learned from your experience.
A. "Keep an open mind. Research is what you make it, so what you put into it is what you will get out. Be positive not everything always goes as planned but learn from every experience."
Q. Why is undergraduate research important to the University of Kentucky?
A. "UGR is the opportunity to learn outside of a classroom."
Q. What advice would you give to future Research Ambassadors?
A. "You are all doing amazing things and keep working to make a positive impact on the world and those around you."