Sustainability Summer Research Fellow Spotlight Anna Foose
Anna's sustainability summer research project focuses on evaluating how allogrooming improves health in honey bees. "Honey bees are one of the crucial insects that support the entire food system. This project directly investigates longevity of honey bees in areas they are typically utilized, such as fields and crops that are typically treated with pesticides and herbicides. Knowledge of the relationship between pesticide tolerance and grooming behaviors is significant because colonies that express high levels of grooming behavior could be surprisingly resilient in highly pesticide-treated areas."
Q: How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?
A: "I have always been interested in beekeeping and sustainability so when I discovered the Rittschof Entomology Lab, it was the perfect fit."
Q: How long have you been engaged in undergraduate research?
A: "1.5 years"
Q: Describe what a typical day of remote summer research activity looks like for you. How does this differ from your pre-COVID research activity?
A: "A typical day of remote summer research looks like lots of data entry and field work. Previously, we were able to have multiple people in the lab at once so I could assist more with projects but due to restrictions, much of what I do is remote."
Q: What has been the most exciting aspect of your research so far?
A: "I am gearing up to start my own research project this summer and I'm very excited to get to collect my own samples and data. I also just love being around the honey bees! Every day I get to work with them is very exciting."
Q: What advice would you give to other UK students thinking about doing research?
A: "Don't be afraid to diversify your lab experience! If a lab doesn't feel like a good fit for you, do not hesitate finding a different lab that is more engaging and interesting to you. UK is filled with opportunities for undergrads."
The UK Office of Undergraduate Research's Sustainability Summer Research Fellowship program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to study in a wide variety of disciplines while doing intensive and self-directed research with a sustainability focus under the supervision of a faculty mentor.
Co-sponsored by the UK Student Sustainability Council