Alana Kassis Summer Research Fellow 2022
"In-Utero Morphine Exposure Induces Hypertension And Opioid-Receptor-Mediated Angiotensin II Sensitization"
"The project aims to determine the effect of opioids during pregnancy on the vascular function in offspring. Our studies are showing that there is an involvement of the opioid receptor subtypes on the hypertension developed by offspring exposed to morphine (MOR) in utero. We also found increased vascular constriction and impaired endothelial function in these MOR-exposed rats. As for my individual role, I will be performing RNA extraction on the tissue samples and use these to quantify the RNA concentrations in renal and liver tissue. Then, these RNA sequences will be amplified by PCR and run through a gel to quantify the specific protein size of interest."
Q. FINISH THIS SENTENCE: "I enjoy research because....."
A. "I know my contribution to research transcends beyond what is taught in the classroom and is contributing to a greater cause, one that is continually advancing medical care."
Q. How did you first get interested in undergraduate research at UK?
A. "I became interested in undergraduate research at UK through other undergraduate students that were involved in research within the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences. In addition to this, I contacted professors within the department to see which laboratories needed assistance."
Q. What has been the most exciting aspect of your research experience so far?
A. "The most exciting aspect of my research experience thus far has been presenting at the Undergraduate Research showcase this past 2022 Spring semester. I effectively showcased my project to others and improved my public speaking and presentation skills. In addition to this, I was able to network with other undergraduate researchers and other UK faculty."
Q. How has undergraduate research impacted your college experience at the University of Kentucky?
A. "Undergraduate research has increased my knowledge about nutrition and allowed me to see the effects diet and opioid use have on human cardiovascular and metabolic health. Through this position, I have been able to develop both educational and professional strengths such as decision making, problem solving, and critical analysis. It has given me the opportunity to build a strong network and community within the department by engaging with PhD and graduate students. I know the skills I have gained through undergraduate research will allow me to continue to excel in my undergraduate studies and aid in admission to medical school."
Q. What advice would you give to UK students who are considering starting research?
A. "Speak up if you have a question! Don't be intimidated by other researchers such as PhD or graduate students. There are no bad questions, especially in the realm of science. If you do not understand a concept, do not hesitate to ask for further clarification or references to literature."