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TABLING: CAFE College Welcome

Chat with an Ambassador! Have questions about how to get started in research? Want to chat with another student about the process and hear their experiences? Stop by the Ambassador's table at the CAFE College Welcome event.

Midsummer Research Social

The Office of Undergraduate Research is hosting a Midsummer Research Social for all summer research fellows and mentors on Wednesday, July 13 from 11am – 1pm. We will be serving up free Kona Ice and good times for a fun summer social opportunity! All UK students and those visiting from other schools engaged in undergraduate research activities and creative works are eligible to attend the event, including mentors (PIs, graduate students, and postdocs) — regardless of funding source or formal program affiliation.

Summer Research Kickoff Social

The Office of Undergraduate Research is hosting a Summer Research Kickoff for all summer research fellows and mentors on Thursday, June 2 from 11am – 1pm. We will be serving up free Kona Ice and good times for a fun summer social opportunity! All UK students and those visiting from other schools engaged in undergraduate research activities and creative works are eligible to attend the event, including mentors (PIs, graduate students, and postdocs) — regardless of funding source or formal program affiliation.

2022 Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars

The 16th annual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars is an annual event that provides UK undergraduates the opportunity to professionally present, perform, or demonstrate their faculty-mentored research to UK faculty, staff, students, and the general public.

Virtual Drop-In Peer Advising

Chat with an Ambassador! Have questions about how to get started in research? Want to chat with another student about the process and hear their experiences? Talk with a Peer Research Ambassador during virtual drop-in advising!

Past Events